2018 review & 2019 goals

At the very end of 2017 I put together a quick blog post listed down some goals for things that I would like to achieve in 2018.  Now that we've ticked into 2019 I want to review what I put down and list out some new goals for 2019.

2018 in review

Looking at the goals I set I did pretty well over all. Reviewing: 
Speak More I managed, I gave several talks around Newcastle, got selected to speak at DDD Sydney for the 2nd year running and got selected to speak at NDC Sydney. 
Submit More I managed to Submit to more than 5 conferences and was selected for 2 different talks. 
Keep Coding & Keep Working I did both of these things. I'm still happily employed at nib and am still in a role that has me focused on code and systems development.
I did fall down when it comes to Blog More. I only published 6 blogs last year, where ideally I would have liked to have published 12.

Overall 2018 went well I achieved a lot of the goals I set out to. Towards the end of the year after conference season backing straight into Christmas Party season I over extended myself. I think of myself as an introvert. I will be belligerent at a conference, initiating conversations with anyone who stands still for too long but it exhausts me by the end of even a short conference. To recharge I need time to myself at home. In 2018 I think I didn't spend enough time switching off.

Forward to 2019

For 2019 I'd like to make sure to think about my mental health in my commitments, within work, socially and with extra curricular activities like speaking and running the Newcastle Coders Group. Tied into this is an additional focus on my health and fitness. This is likely to take the shape of continuing with my Karate journey. 

For the Newcastle Coders Group. I will be doing my best to keep our regular cadence of the 1st Wednesday of each month going, getting a good range of speakers from local developers and people from other parts of the country, and of course keeping the number of attendees up. 

For Work I want to take the chances that have been given to me to lead projects and deliver good solutions. 

In regards to blogging I'd like to pick up the blogging game and do more of it. Like last year I think 12 blogs across the year seem like a good number. To do this I'll need to be making sure that I continue to push myself into learning new things. Hopefully I'll be given the chance to speak about some of what I've learned. 


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